Mit kontrool behalten wir unsere Material-, Geräte- und Schalungsverwaltung in Echtzeit im Blick. Jeder berechtigte Mitarbeiter – ob im Büro oder auf der Baustelle – sieht stets die gleichen aktuellen Informationen.
Armin Seitz
Hermann Assner GmbH & Co. KG
Mit kontrool haben wir nicht nur einen Schlussstrich unter das leidige Thema Geräteverwaltung und Baustellenlogistik gesetzt. Wir haben damit im Unternehmen die Freude an der Digitalisierung geweckt.
Markus Mittag
Jökel Bau GmbH & Co. KG
Kontrool ermöglicht es uns, Material auf Baustellen effizienter einzusetzen und Kosten zu senken. Der interne Onlineshop verspricht erhebliche Zeiteinsparungen bei Bestellungen und Kommissionierungen.
Dominik Schepers
Heinrich Temmink GmbH & Co. KG
So hast du dein Betriebsmittel- und Baustoffmanagement lückenlos unter Kontrolle: Von Einkauf und Kalkulation über Logistik und Baustellenleitung bis hin zu Instandhaltung und interner Leistungsverrechnung.
Mit unserer take-n-make-Lösung bieten wir einen sicheren 24/7-Zugang zu deinem Lager. Das System verriegelt automatisch und lässt sich bequem per App entsperren – für maximale Flexibilität und höchste Sicherheit rund um die Uhr.
Arbeitszeiterfassung – speziell gebaut für die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Baubranche, ganz ohne Excel und Stechuhr. Ob in der Baggerkabine, im Poliercontainer oder im Büro: timetabs ist jederzeit und überall einsatzbereit.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
DSGVO konform
Deutsche Server
Made in Germany
Nutze kontrool so, wie es für dein Unternehmen am besten ist. Du benötigst eine schlanke Lösung für deinen Handwerksbetrieb? Dann ist COMPACT die richtige Lösung für dich. Mit CONNECT erhältst du eine intelligente Vernetzung, um deinen Gerätefuhrpark optimal auzulasten. Und COMPELTE hilft dabei, deine Arbeitsabläufe langfristig zu optimieren.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.
No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.