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Wir helfen Bauunternehmen, ihre Prozesse zu digitalisieren. So bleibt Zeit für die wichtigen Dinge.

Verwalten Sie Ihre Maschinen, Materialien und Prozesse zentral von einer speziell für die Baubranche entwickelten Plattform. Nahtlose SAP-Integration ermöglicht dir, alle Daten zu zentralisieren und auf relevante Informationen zuzugreifen – einschließlich Maschinen, Ausrüstungen, Werkzeugen und Personal. Mit kontrool by tabya! steigerst du deine Produktivität und optimierst den Einsatz deiner Werkzeuge und Ausrüstungsflotten.

Die nächste Generation der Geräteverwaltung


Projekte | Geräte

H+F Probau/ AddOne

Projekte | Geräte


Projekte | Geräte


Projekte |  Bewegungsdaten

EDV Höhne

Projekte | Geräte | Bewegungsdaten

RIB iTWO 4.0

Demnächst verfügbar

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Einfache Schnittstellenintegration

Kontrool lässt sich problemlos mit anderen IT-Systemen verbinden. So kannst du beispielsweise Stammdaten aus einem ERP-System importieren oder eine automatisierte Schnittstelle zwischen den Systemen einrichten.

excavator on a tablet screen.jpg

Nahtlose Integration in SAP

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

Baustellenlogistik – einfach wie nie

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​


Effiziente Datenerfassung direkt vor Ort

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​

No searching for clues or decoding routing slips: kontrool takes care of that. The employees at the building yard get the support they have been wanting for a long time.​


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